Our first masterclass “ Lavender” was very successful and I believe we all had a great evening.
We now have a new section on the site - Forum. https://www.soelweb.com/forum.
So far just one post there about Lavender masterclass. If you missed it, check out all the recipes, short content and pictures. If you would like to put comments, participate in discussion, ask questions please become a MEMBER on the site by creating user id and password. Welcome to SOEL FORUM.
Inspired by the first masterclass success, we look for the most famous summer medicinal and culinary plant - basil. Basin is not just a fancy summer greens for tomatoes and mozzarella salad and a major pesto ingredient.
In our upcoming basil master class we will explore medicinal and culinary benefits of 7 most popular varieties of this fascinating aromatic plant ( there are between 50 and 150 in the world). You will be able to smell and taste them - in pesto, infused oil, in vinegar and tincture, in ice cream, in refreshing drinks.
We will talk about medicinal applications of basil and unusual culinary uses.
Lemon- basil ice cream anyone?
Please register for the upcoming outdoor August 17 class. It starts promptly at 5 pm, seats are limited, the cost for participation is $12. Here is a link for registration https://www.soelweb.com/booking-calendar/herbal-masterclass-basil.
You will be able to cut a free bunch of basil for your own pesto.
If you are interested in private health consultation with certified herbalist, please do it her https://www.soelweb.com/booking-calendar/private-consultation-with-an-herbalist
See you soon…
